• Sign-up to Receive Notifications

    We hope to utilize multiple tools of communication to better reach anyone who is interested in hearing about our events. Use the links below to sign up for your preferred mediums.

  • Email

    We often send out emails using the email connected with your LDS Tools account. Be sure your email is up to date (Gmail is currently working better than other domains so if you have a Gmail, we encorage you to make this your primary email for Church messages).

  • Stake Facebook Page

    If you use Facebook regularly, you may benefit from liking our page where we will post details about upcoming events.

  • Gospel Living App

    Check out this church specific communication tool! Download from your phone’s app store and join circles to receive notifications.

  • Facebook for Youth

    Our stake youth council utilizes this Facebook Page to communicate updates on Stake-wide events. Youth and Parents may enjoy following us here.

  • Forward With Christ

    The Milwaukee Wisconsin Mission posts event information, inspirational messages and resources for spreading the Gospel.

Still not seeing the medium you need?

Contact us with Suggestions.

Use this form to send us a note letting us know how you would like us to send updates on stake activities and announcements.