Stake Relief Society

President Nelson Invites All to Extend a Gift of Love for His 100th Birthday

President Nelson asks people to “spread the love of Jesus Christ” by reaching out to one person in need, #99plus1

“I am soon approaching my 100th birthday. One of the places where the Savior used the number 100 in the scriptures was the parable of the lost sheep. Though 99 of his flock were safely by his side, the shepherd went in search of the 1 who was lost.

At age 99, I have no need of physical gifts. But one spiritual offering that would brighten my life is for each of us to reach out to “the one” in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone.

Over the coming months I invite you to consider prayerfully: who do you know who may be discouraged? Who might you need to reconcile with or ask for forgiveness? Has one name been on your mind lately, though you haven’t quite known why? As you bring these questions to the Lord, He will inspire you to know how you can reach out and lift one who needs help.

What a beautiful example the Savior has shown us – that through each of us ministering to just one within our reach, we can spread the love of Jesus Christ throughout the world.”

President Russell M Nelson, March 17, 2024

If you were unable to join us for the 2024 Milwaukee North Stake Relief Society gathering, we invite you to participate through the link below.

“The doctrine of belonging comes down to this for each of us: I am one with Christ in the gospel covenant. “

Elder D. Todd Christofferson


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Ethel Maynes, Sydnee Edman, Rachel Smith